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发布时间:2023-09-08    作者:     点击:[]

刘奎,男,山东青岛人,中共党员,工学博士,山东省海外科技人才(C类)。2019年博士毕业于英国南安普顿大学岩土工程专业,获由英国皇家工程院,南安普顿大学,以及英国工程和自然科学研究委员会联合赞助的全额奖学金;博士毕业后受邀回到卡迪夫大学、环境岩土研究中心从事研究工作,后又到法国核能安全与辐射防护研究所从事博士后工作;曾先后与英国皇家工程院院士William Powrie教授,以及中国科学院外籍院士与英国皇家工程院院士Hywel Thomas教授共事。主要从事土力学、非饱和土的多场耦合等方面的教学科研工作;以第一作者身份(及通讯)在《Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment》,《Transportation Geotechnics》等期刊发表多篇高水平论文。


1.非饱和土中的多场耦合现象分析(例如thermal-hydraulic、hydro-mechanical coupling)

2.X射线CT断层成像(X-ray Computed Tomography)在孔隙介质中的应用:





2023.07 –至今:山东科技大学,土木工程与建筑学院,讲师

2021.03 – 2022.08:法国核能安全与辐射防护研究所Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire,博士后

2020.04 – 2021.01:英国卡迪夫大学、环境岩土研究中心Cardiff University, Geoenvironmental Research Centre,博士后


2014.09 – 2019.09:英国南安普顿大学,岩土工程,工程博士EngD

2013.09 – 2014.09:英国卡迪夫大学,土木工程,理学硕士MSc(一等学位)

2009.09 – 2013.06:石家庄铁道大学(詹天佑班),土木工程,工学学士BEng


1. 2022.05 – 2022.10欧盟合作项目EXCITE Network (HORIZON 2020) “Direct observation of desaturation in Boom clay”主持

2. 2022.03 – 2022.07法国国家同步加速器实验中心(French national synchrotron facility - Synchrotron SOLEIL)项目“A synchrotron-based X-ray insight into unsaturated microfabric of clay materials”主持

3. 2021.03 – 2022.08:欧盟HORIZON 2020子项目:EURAD (European Joint Program on Radioactive Waste Management) “Gas migration in natural and swelling clays – small scale experiments and image analysis”主研

4. 2020.04 – 2021.01英国国家电网(National Grid Electricity Transmission)与卡迪夫大学环境岩土研究中心(Cardiff University, GRC)合作项目“Retrospective health assessment of underground transmission circuits (NGET)”主研

5. 2015.9 – 2019.9英国皇家工程院(Royal Academy of Engineering)与英国南安普顿大学(University of Southampton)合作项目“X-ray computed tomography to quantify the moisture movement in soils under thermal gradient”主研


1. Kui Liu*, Fleur Loveridge, Richard Boardman, William Powrie. 2022. Effect of Soil Saturation and Grain Size on Coupled Hydrothermal Flow in Fine Soils Based on X-ray μCT Imaging. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment. 32: 100380.

2.Kui Liu, Xiaobing Xu*, Qi Hu, Libin Zeng, Jinchang Wang. 2022.1g Model Test on the Use of Isolation Piles for Tunnel Protection Adjacent to Soft-soil Excavation.Transportation Geotechnics. 35:100790.

3.Kui Liu*, Renato Zagorscak, Richard J. Sandford, Oliver N. Cwikowski, Alexander Yanushkevich, Hywel R. Thomas. 2022. Insights into the Thermal Performance of Underground High Voltage Electricity Transmission Lines through Thermo-hydraulic Modelling. Energies. 15(23), 8897.

4.Kui Liu, Richard Boardman, Mark Mavrogordato, Fleur Loveridge*, William Powrie. 2020.The Importance of the Heel Effect in X-ray Computed Tomography Imaging of Soils.Environmental Geotechnics. 10(2), 134-149.

5.Kui Liu*, Fleur Loveridge, Richard Boardman, William Powrie. 2018. Evaluation of Reconstruction and Segmentation Techniques on High Temporal Resolution Micro-CT scans for Geotechnical Applications. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering.

6.Kui Liu*, Fleur Loveridge, Richard Boardman, William Powrie. 2018. Observation of Thermally Driven Water Flow in Soils via Micro-focus X-ray Computed Tomography. Proceedings of 7thInternational Conference on Unsaturated Soils.

7.Kui Liu*, Fleur Loveridge, Richard Boardman, William Powrie. 2017. Study of Short-term Evaporation in Sand Specimens via Micro-focus X-ray Computed Tomography. Proceedings of 2ndInternational Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics.


1.International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics - SEG-2018口头汇报

2.7thInternational Conference on Unsaturated Soils (UNSAT 2018)口头报告及海报

3.2ndInternational Symposium on Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics (CPEG2)口头报告

4.8thInternational Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement口头报告




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